Start Collecting Today

We have aligned with 7k Metals to bring you a product offering that is unique, diversified, and designed specifically for first time investors into precious metals.

Bullion  •  Collectible Coins  •  IRA  •  Sound Money Wallet  •  Health Insurance



Bullion is regular, every day silver or gold, packaged up in a coin or a bar. This is the "cheapest" way to buy silver or gold as you are buying the raw material (plus a little minting). If you need to gather large sums of silver or gold, 7k Bullion is a great place to start. 

  • Simple & Straight Forward
  • Only sells available inventory
  • Buy, Hold, and Stack in the safe
  • May be eligible for IRA

American Eagles  •  Maple Leafs  •  Austrian Philharmonics • Australian Kangaroos •  Basic Rounds  •  Bars  •  and more...

"7k has taken what used to be an old man's hobby and turned into an adventure for anyone to share. For years all I purchased was bullion, but once I learned about the benefits of the collectible coins I changed my entire perspective. Now I can't wait to see what the next limited edition collectible will be, and you better believe I'll be banging down the door to be one of the only 500 or so to get it!"

Jeremy Whaley

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Collectible coins are the hidden gem in the world of precious metals. Few realize how valuable these coins can be. Unlike bullion, which rarely changes value apart from an increase in silver spot prices, collectible coins often increase substantially, particularly when they are low mint (not many made) with a high demand.  

7k has created a unique opportunity by issuing exclusive collectible series with very low mintage (some as low as 300!). They also have created the demand for you because of the number of 7k members who want these coins to complete their sets. It's a win win, and a great way to start investing in metals.

Rare •  Limited Mint •  MS70 • NGC Certified •  High Demand  •  Incredible Value


IRA - Asset Backed

Millions of people store their long term savings in some type of IRA or other retirement account. With a 7k Gold or Silver backed IRA, you can buy physical gold and silver and have it stored in your name, while still taking advantage of all of the tax benefits offered by the IRA. 

So what's unique about a 7k IRA backed by precious metals?

Unlike many of the IRA solutions which hold "paper" silver or "paper" gold in the form of ETFs or other financial vehicles, a 7k IRA actually holds and stores physical metal in a physical vault... the kind you could go visit in person!

Physical Metals •  Stored in Vault • Unique to you • Full IRA Tax Benefits


Sound Money Wallet

One very unique feature of the 7k membership is access to the "Sound Money Wallet".  What is it?  It's what banking should be. 

It's the ability to transfer money between multiple parties, while having the choice to store that money in either fiat US dollars, directly in gold or silver. In other words... it's returning the money to the people. 

And soon, you will be able to spend against your gold/silver balance with a 7k Debit Card that you can use anywhere bank cards are accepted. 

  • Virtual Wallet
  • Store money in Metals
  • Transfer between two parties
  • Spend with Debit Card (coming soon)

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7k Health Plans

As a benefit to their members, 7k Metals has aligned with the Sovereign Nations to offer medical and health benefits to their members. Compared with typical ACA complaint health plans, these unique plans are remarkably affordable

If you or someone you know is in need of quality health insurance with a vast network of providers (one of the largest in the world) the 7k Health Plans are absolutely worth learning about. 

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